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Found 18718 results for any of the keywords of children and families. Time 0.009 seconds.
Results and Verdicts - Justice for Kids Howard Talenfeld with Kelley KFighting for abused and Injured Kids
Children's Shelter | ChristianCareCenterThe Children s Shelter is a children s shelter licensed through the Florida Department of Children and Families.
The Fatherhood Project | Connecting fathers and childrenWorking to improve the health and well-being of children and families by empowering fathers to be knowledgeable, active, and emotionally engaged.
Disabled Kids - Justice for Kids Howard Talenfeld with Kelley KronenbeFighting for abused and Injured Kids
Our History - The Annie E. Casey FoundationIn tribute to his mother, Annie E. Casey — a widow who raised four children — Jim Casey has created an enduring legacy of service to children and families…
Our Team | LEAP ClinicAmanda is passionate when it comes to working with children, youth and their families. She believes that people are extremely resilient and with the proper support they are able to overcome obstacles and find healing, pe
Children’s Harbor - Breaking Cycles. Changing Lives.Children’s Harbor is dedicated to strengthening families and improving the lives of foster children and young mothers in South Florida.
Home - Knoxville-Knox County Head StartOur mission is to advance the physical, mental, economic, and social well-being of children and families through quality, comprehensive services.
Governor Scott Signs $5 Million Claims Bill for Child Sexually AbusedFighting for abused and Injured Kids
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